Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Perfect Penis Size According To Women

!9# The Perfect Penis Size According To Women

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If you have questioned the phrase "Does size matter?" then you may have wondered if you are of adequate size. The fact is size DOES matter when it comes to the size of your penis and how women feel about it.

The size of the average penis is about 6 inches which may make you happy or depressed depending on how you measure up. Most women are very content with the 6 inch penis because typically it is not always the length that is as important. Many women say that it doesn't always matter what the length is, because the girth is just as important. Many women feel generally that 6 to 7 inches is very normal for men and that it does provide enjoyment and pleasure in sex. However, women are much more thrilled when they see a penis that is at least 5 inches in girth.

Most women squeal with delight if the girth is about 6 inches, and although it is a bit above the norm, it is not unusual to find. That one inch makes an incredible difference when it comes to the overall enjoyment while having sex. If you aren't quite that large in diameter it doesn't mean that you should forego sex for the rest of your life. The fact that you know what women want now is just the beginning.

There are many things you can do to enhance the girth of your penis. There are many supplements that you can take that will give you the bigger penis that you want, often in less time then even the product tells you. For a hassle free way to get a larger penis there are Extenze pills. In just a matter of weeks you will have a bigger penis to satisfy your partner. Another supplement that is making men and women very happy are Semenax Pills. This will give you a much harder erection which will make for some out of this world orgasms for both you and your partner. Lastly, you have the small patch that you can wear anywhere you go. You merely place it on your body so that it is hidden under your clothes where it slowly pumps a unique blend of herbs into your body that helps to increase the size of your penis.

You no longer have to be content with a smaller penis size. Even by doing penis exercises you can gain more inches in the girth of your penis as well as better control. With these exercises you can have better erections that you have more power over. The next time you have sexual intercourse you will not only please your partner, but you will have the benefit of more pleasure yourself.

The Perfect Penis Size According To Women

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Drugs in Our Drinking Water - Five Reasons Why You Should Be Worried

!9# Drugs in Our Drinking Water - Five Reasons Why You Should Be Worried

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If you haven't been living under a rock for the past few months, you have probably heard the news that there are drugs in our drinking water. By drugs, I mean prescription drugs like mood stabilizers, antibiotics, and anti-convulsants, to name a few. Sure, the concentrations of these drugs in our water are very small but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be alarmed. There is growing concern surrounding this phenomenon for a number of reasons and here are five of them.

1. The federal government doesn't require any testing for drugs in drinking water. Furthermore, there is no legal safety limit for the drugs found in US drinking water. Basically, if you drink tap water you have to realize that you are virtually unprotected and there is absolutely no guarantee that your water is safe.

2. Scientists worry that over decades, consuming this contaminated water can lead to multiple health problems. This is because unlike particular foods, we consume sizable amounts of water on a daily basis. Consuming small amounts of the drugs in our drinking water over a long term period may actually be more harmful than consuming a large dose at one time.

3. Fish with male and female characteristics have been found in bodies of water around the world due to exposure to estrogen-like substances. This has scientists worried about what exposure to similar prescription drugs found in US drinking water could do to humans over time.

4. The investigative report that leaked this news to the media found not only one type of prescription drug in each city's water supply but a few different kinds. These drugs in our drinking water can be even more harmful when they are combined, possibly increasing their potency.

5. Recent laboratory research has shown that small amounts of medication, such as those of the drugs found in US drinking water, affect human cells for the worse. These studies show that when exposed to these drugs, embryonic kidney cells grow too slowly, breast cancer cells proliferate too quickly, and blood cells show biological activity linked to inflammation.

So there you have it. If you are worried about drugs in our drinking water, you have good reason to be. Very little is being done to protect us and the possible consequences to our health are alarming at best.

The only way to ensure that your water supply is clean and safe is to filter it with a carbon block or granular carbon filter. This type of filter is the best technology available for filtering out both organic and synthetic contaminants, including prescription drugs. So what are you waiting for? Start looking for a carbon water filtration system for your home to ensure that the water you drink and use every day is safe and pure.

Drugs in Our Drinking Water - Five Reasons Why You Should Be Worried

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Formulas Verses Natural Breast Milk- Mothers' Concerns

!9# Formulas Verses Natural Breast Milk- Mothers' Concerns

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Here is the problem: mothers who have used formulas simply because it is much easier (especially for working moms) have heard all the hype about how important it is to breast feed and experience extreme guilt. The point is that to use an alternative to breast feeding is a health hazard for your baby. Nonetheless, in a large percent of the cases under discussion in this article, it is not possible for a mother to breast feed. Therefore, there is a necessity to advertise and promote baby formulas.

Unfortunately, many women who do not, out of some kind of misunderstanding, breast feed and then later these women are overcome by an extreme sense of guilt. The high quality of many formulas is, of course, perpetuated by the media. I believe that there are more and more solutions that can be made to eliminate this concern. It has been said that mothers are under the impression that breastfeeding is the very best way to go, but on the other hand, but it does not really matter that much. This can be corrected. And there are a few simple steps that can increase the number of babies fed with natural breast milk throughout the world.

As far as American media is concerned, the only thing we have to change is to include a very important warning on every baby formula that is promoted. And I am not talking about the rushed list of possible risks they list like auctioneers at the end of most television commercials that promote medications etc. I am talking about serious warnings, written, announced and clear as crystal. Because although there are many people who do not have much of a choice, there are people who believe it is a choice, and others who believe that there is no option, that breast feeding is the only way.

There are also alternative ways of obtaining breast milk even, when you adopt an infant immediately from the birth mother. These alternatives, I believe, should also be marketed and promoted. The concept that the only way for such adoptive parents to feed their new baby is through the use of formulas is not true.

For example: When you adopt you can ask the birth mother to pump her breasts for bottle feeding during the first six months. Another option is for the collection and preservation of natural breast milk that can be purchased and / or obtained by adoptive parents. However, there are other kinds of special cases. Sometimes, the mother has a disease that prevents her from breast feeding, or perhaps the baby has a severe allergy or something else that will harm the child if his or her birth mother cannot feed the infant.

In medical experience throughout history, sometimes a mother must be put on "bed rest" by order of her doctor in order to increase the chances of her being able to carry the baby to full term and have a successful birth. This is great when she can figure some possible way to keep paying for pre-natal visits, pre-natal medications, and can survive without any income. The percentage of women in who become pregnant in these kinds of circumstances is very low. Often, the mother will simply miscarry. Her baby will die. This can happen again and again until the mother can relax and unwind during pregnancy. In many cases, this means that many women will never, ever have a child.

The first clue is missing your period. Have a pelvic exam after you take your pregnancy test (no matter what the results) if your period still does not come. Nausea in the morning is often the very first outward sign of pregnancy. Cramping that feels similar to menstrual cramps can also be indicative of a growing fetus. The problem with fatigue, which many women experience during pregnancy is that it can be strictly hormonal . . . but it can also possibly be something more. Your body speaks to you with physical symptoms. And whether you need to be put on bed rest or if your activity will not harm the child, increased fatigue can certainly effect job performance. So another thing to worry about is getting fired for not working up to your potential, and as a result, not being able to pay bills before the baby comes.

Marketing is the concern: it is a "necessary evil," so to speak. For many women, unfortunately, formula seems like the best way to go . . . and the way by which formula is marketed gives a woman no reason to doubt her choice. Nonetheless, we know this not to be true. But because many women can not miss work, because a regular household functions on two incomes and in addition, babies are very expensive. Sometimes, child care is impossible to afford. Therefore, a mother will leave the baby and a couple of bottles of powdered formula with a friend or family member who will not charge them for child care so that she can return immediately to work.

For a single mom, two jobs are often the very best solution financially, and rob them of the experience of early motherhood virtually all together. I do not know if this makes you sad . . . but it makes me sad. Children feel abandoned and mothers feel robbed of one of the most important experiences she would ever have had. Breastfeeding is an important health issue here, obviously. But mental health (for both mother and child) will almost always be damaged severely because of money problems.

For example: If there is any serious illness in the family - often despite the medical insurance they have - will throw a functioning middle class, and even upper-middle class homes into a high candidacy for bankruptcy. Likely, their lives will have to be completely rebuilt around debts and financial concerns that can shatter their ambitions, making them different forever because of expensive medical care.

Even if the family member's illness comes around and they are healed, no longer needing individual care, the family will almost always suffer for years, decades, or even for the rest of their lives. Despite this digression in topic, I believe that this (which is definitely related to breastfeeding) is an important side note to take into account. Forgive me.

As I mentioned, there are not always problems that can be solved with the use of breast milk. There are some situations in which a person has no choice - for whatever reason but to use baby formula. And, as it is argued by many experts that these people need to know about the very best kinds of formulas there are available on the market today. Nonetheless, it is simple to stress the importance of breast feeding. Breast feeding is the absolutely safest way to go, this is very important. Any expecting mother, the adopting parent of an infant, or an orphanage with children under the age of six months needs to understand the breastfeeding, what the risks, as well as what the benefits are.

Formulas Verses Natural Breast Milk- Mothers' Concerns

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